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Muslims Commemorate the Legacy of Ssekabaka Nuhu Rashid Kalema

The Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC), in conjunction with Buganda royals and descendants of the late King Nuhu Rashid Kalema, the renowned Muslim King who assumed the throne of the Buganda Kingdom from 1888 to 1890, commemorated the monarchy’s illustrious legacy in the promotion of Islam during his lifetime. This annual function was declared by His Eminence Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubaje, the Mufti of Uganda, last year on October 30th. Monday’s colorful event marked the second anniversary and was held at Wakiso Muslim District headquarters in Kaliiti village, Mende, subcounty, in Wakiso District.The function was presided over by His Eminence Sheikh Abdallah Ibrahim Ssemambo Tamusuza, the Deputy Mufti on behalf of His Eminence Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubaje. Present were His Eminence Sheikh Muhammad Ali Waiswa, the 2nd Deputy Mufti of Uganda, Honorable Counsel Haj Muhammad Ali Aluma, the UMSC Acting Secretary-General, and UMSC departmental heads, including Sheikh Imran Ssali, Secretary for Religious Affairs, Sheikh Muhammad Murshid Luwemba, Secretary for Dawah (Islamic propagation), Sheikhat Raddiyya Namakula, Secretary for Women and Children Affairs, and Regional Assistants to the Mufti in charge of East Buganda, Sheikh Mustafa Khamis Lule, and Sheikh Hamid Sserwadda Busungu, for Kampala Muslim region. District Kadhis were led by Sheikh Erias Kigozi, the host Kadhi of Wakiso. Royals were led by Prince Muhammad Ssekamanya from Kibuli, among other prominent personalities who attended.
Sheikh Ssemambo, in his speech characterized by quotations from the Holy Quranic verses and divine sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), cited various early Muslim historical figures in Arabia. He paid glowing tributes to King Kalema for his heroic deeds of sacrifice during the advent of British colonialists. These colonialists, along with white Christian missionaries and their native supporters, plotted to uproot the Islamic faith in Buganda Kingdom and the surrounding territories that later formed Uganda. Sheikh Ssemambo emphasized the need to solidify unity within the Muslim community and expressed special gratitude to the royals from Kibuli for attending the function, despite historical hostility to UMSC. He thanked them for exhibiting maturity, Islamic brotherhood, and understanding.
The day’s guest speakers were Sheikh Khatwib Mukuluwakika, the former Acting Deputy Mufti, and Dr. Jamir Ssebalu, the Principal of Namasuba College of Commerce. Earlier, Sheikh Ssemambo, accompanied by UMSC officials, presided over memorial prayers for the late Sulaiman Mubiru at the deceased family’s residence in Bugembegembe village, Kayunga in Wakiso. The late Haj Mubiru was the father of Honorable Sheikh Muzamir Nsubuga, the Entebbe Muslim District Representative to the UMSC General Assembly. During the prayers, Sheikh Ssemambo implored Muslim faithful to appreciate the need to write their wills before departing from this earthly life.

Both functions attracted large gatherings.

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