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Independent Electoral Commission



There is a substantive and independent Electoral Commission elected by the General Assembly from the entire Sunni Muslim population of Uganda.

The Electoral Commission does the following

(a) organize, conduct and supervise the election of Muslim representatives to the Assembly and such other elections as shall be determined by the General Assembly;

(b) entertain, receive and determine any complaint or dispute arising out of the general elections and its decision thereon shall be final;

(c) at the end of the general elections, if any disputes or complaints arose therefrom, make a report thereon and submit the same to the Joint Session for information and necessary advice to the Assembly;

(d) keep a register of all Muslims in Uganda and cause issuance of biometric identity cards to registered Muslims;

(e) co-opt not more than three members or employ any Muslim person it shall consider necessary for the proper discharge of its responsibilities;

(f) make rules to regulate its own procedure and issue such guidelines as it shall deem fit for the proper conduct of the elections subject to ratification and approval by the Joint Session; and

(g) generate its budget for onward submission to the Executive Committee through the Management Committee for approval.

The Electoral Commission is comprised of

(a) Chairperson;

(b) Deputy Chairperson,

(c) Secretary, and

(d) a member from each of the existing Muslim regions.

The Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Electoral Commission must be;

(a) male Ugandan Sunni Muslim aged at least 40 years and above and not more than 65 years of age;

(b) holders of at least a degree from recognized universities or institutions;

(c) each with accumulated 10 years working experience; and

(d) with clean track records and free from offences under the national and Islamic laws.

The Secretary of the Electoral Commission must be;

(a) a male Ugandan Sunni Muslim aged at least 35 years and above and not more than 65 years of age;

(b) at least a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or institution. Additional qualifications in statistic is an added advantage;

(c) with accumulated working experience of not less than seven years; and

(d) with a clean track record and free from offences under the national and Islamic laws;

The Secretary of the Electoral Commission is the administrative secretary of the commission and reports to the Management Committee.

A member of the Electoral Commission; other than the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and Secretary of the Electoral Commission must be;

(a) a Ugandan Sunni Muslim aged at least 35 years and above and not more than 65 years of age;

(b) with an accumulated working experience of not less than five years; and

(c) with a clean track record and free from offences under the national and Islamic laws.

The tenure of the office of the Electoral Commission is five years renewable once subject to performance appraisal except for the Secretary of the Electoral Commission which is seven years renewable once upon successful appraisal.

The remuneration of the office bearers is determined by the Management Committee for approval by the Executive Committee hereinafter established.




Uganda Muslim Supreme Council © 2023.