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UMSC Addresses False Audio Messages

Hon. Counsel Haj Muhammad Ali Aluma, the UMSC Acting Secretary General, has issued a statement to address the ongoing circulation of misleading audio clips on various social media platforms by Haj Abdul Kiyimba, the Lwengo Muslim District representative to the UMSC General Assembly.
In these audio clips, Haj Kiyimba can be heard trying to mobilize members of the General Assembly for what appears to be a futile meeting, disguising it as an effort to protect UMSC’s image and properties. In reality, it seems to be a conspiracy aimed at causing unwarranted panic among unsuspecting members of the Muslim community.


The misinformation spread by Haj Kiyimba is related to Miscellaneous Application No: 0928 of 2023 arising from Civil Suit No: 0505 of 2023. This case involves businessman Justus Kyabahwa and UMSC regarding a property known as Ranch No. 31A, comprised in LRV3693, folio 12, originally belonging to UMSC but unlawfully seized for decades.
The previous UMSC Executive Committee, now replaced, decided to sell this property to remedy the situation and re-invest the proceeds into income-generating ventures, a decision supported by a televised interview featuring Haj Kiyimba when he was a member of the UMSC Executive Committee. It’s important to note that Kiyimba and his inner circle benefited financially from this transaction, receiving under hand envelopes that contained money from various sources, including the property’s buyers and the grabbers.
Mr. Justus Kyabahwa purchased the property with full knowledge of its complex situation, believing he could resolve the issue. However, the grabbers were a secretly supported by Haj Kiyimba’s group among others, unbeknownst to UMSC.
This led to a lawsuit where Mr. Kyabahwa demanded a refund of his purchase money. The case progressed swiftly, with Hon. Lady Justice Harriet Grace Magala ruling that UMSC owed Justus Kyabahwa UGX 18 billion as the purchase price for the land which was unfair and meant intentionally to grab Muslim property.
Counsel Aluma’s statement assures all Muslims that there’s no need for panic as the matter is being handled professionally. UMSC has already appealed the court decision, citing serious legal irregularities, including a court hearing during a vacation period, and has obtained a stay of execution of the court ruling until the Court of Appeal makes a final decision.

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