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Al-haji Abdul Nasser Magezi Becomes Global Fund Representative.

The Inter Religious Council of Uganda (IRCU) board has elected Alhadji Abdul Nasser Magezi, the chairperson of the Youth Interfaith Network Uganda as its Representative to the Uganda Country Coordinating Mechanism for the Global Fund. The decision was reached by the IRCU board at its meeting held October 5th, 2023.
Magezi was elected alongside Mrs. Florence Nassanga Musoke, the Chairperson of Women of Faith.

The Global Fund mechanism aims to significantly increase resources for combating three of the world’s most devastating diseases: AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria in Uganda. In Uganda, the Country Coordinating Mechanism of the Global Fund brings together stakeholders from various constituencies at the country level.
The Inter religious Council of Uganda (IRCU) is a national faith-based organization that unites the efforts of seven major religious institutions to collectively address issues of common concern and promote the greater good. They include, the Roman Catholic Church, the Province of Church of Uganda, Uganda Muslim Supreme Council-UMSC, the Uganda Orthodox Church, the Seventh -day Adventist Uganda Union, Association of Pentecostal & Evangelicals- APE, and Born-Again Faith in Uganda -BAF.

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