UMSC Holds National Muslim Education Conference

The UMSC Education department under Sheikh Juma Bakhit Cucu has held a National Muslim Education Conference-under the theme “Redefining the purpose of Muslim Education in Uganda.”
The conference held on Friday in the UMSC conference hall, drew Head teachers of Secondary and Primary Schools, Board of Governors, School Management Committees, heads of private owned Muslim schools, Developmental partners and education service providers among others. In his captivating remarks, the Chief Guest, Dr Lukwago Asuman the Permanent Secretary, Education Service Commission, listed a number of a great obstacles to the advancement of Muslim Education in the contemporary and competitive World of today.
He reminded his attentive listeners how in the past the education was simply meant to make a child a good Muslim and not productive, which he said isn’t sustainable given high competition for skills. “We are now living in a country where your survival depends on your productivity,” he said.
While expounding on various verses in the Holy Quran and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad, where he advised his followers to seek for knowledge as far as Chine, Dr. Lukwago illustrated how the Holy Quran contained deep scientific theories covering astrology, mathematics and biology that need expounding as source of knowledge for the transformation of societies in all spheres of life.
He ended his moving speech by imploring the participants to strive and inculcate skills and and values among their learners. He further urged them to mentor the learners without diluting their ethics and avoid such acts that can undermine the teacher- student relationship.
Earlier on, other speakers including Prof. Dr. Muhamadi Lubega, the UMSC National Chairperson presented a paper on Strategic Interventions & Key Inputs we need for Transformation/ Quality Improvements of UMSC Education Services and Hon. Muhammad Ali Aluma, the UMSC Secretary General delivered paper and key note address on the UMSC current state of affairs respectively. Sheikh Juma Bakhit Cucu, made presentation on the Status of Muslim Education in Uganda. It ranged from historical background, infrastructure, teacher- Learner School enrollment, equipment, scholarship opportunities, partnership with Education service providers.
Haj Muhamood Kateregga Namuguzi, Chairman, the UMSC National Education Committee and Dr. Moses Golooba, a Don at Makerere University chaired sessions about Policies and Quality assurance and Dr. Sarah Wasagali Kanabi, the Board Chairperson Electricity Regulatory Authority, had inputs on the best teaching approaches. The participants later had lively discussions where they shared ideas on how to improve Muslim Education in terms of infrastructure development, human resource training, curriculum development, learning materials, Administration and resource mobilization among others.
His Eminence Sheikh Abdallah Ibrahim Ssemambo Tamusuza, the Deputy Mufti closed the conference where he represented His Eminence Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubaje, the Mufti of Uganda.
In attendance were the UMSC Executives, head of departments.