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UMSC Awqaf Department Records Achievement in Land Document Recovery

The UMSC Awqaf (endowment) department, currently led by Hon. Nasser M. Ondongkara, has achieved another milestone after Sheikh Muzamil Ismiael, the Kadhi of Acholi Muslim District in the Northern Muslim region handed over documents that were successfully recovered pertaining to several UMSC properties.
The documents include three titles of prime land, transfers, land purchase agreements, and other records related to land donations to UMSC that date back decades. The event took place on Monday, September 11th, 2023.
This achievement follows a recent call from the Awqaf department, urging all Muslim leaders within the lower UMSC structure and the general public to cooperate and provide information about UMSC properties. This effort is part of an ongoing data collection initiative to compile information on all Council’s properties across the country.
The collected data will be securely stored under the UMSC Property & Endowment Trust, following the provisions outlined in the amended UMSC Constitution. In his remarks, Hon. Ondongkara commended Sheikh Muzamil Ismiael, the Acholi Kadhi, for his cooperation and encouraged other Muslims to follow his example.
He urged them to collaborate with the department by providing essential information about Council’s properties in their respective areas. In conclusion, he called upon Muslim leadership in Achol to utilize the cited properties effectively to promote Islamic activities.
The handover was witnessed by Sheikh Abdul-Karim Abdallah Katamba, Director of Halal.

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