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UMSC Appointments Committee Inducted

The newly constituted Uganda Muslim Supreme Council-UMSC Appointments Committee has been inducted. The committee has been equipped with working knowledge in accordance with provisions of the UMSC Constitution and their terms of reference issued by the UMSC National Executive Committee.
Hon. Bruhan Abdul-Kadir Byekwaso, the appointments committee Chairperson told UMSC Public Relations Office on Tuesday that they had successfully completed one day exercise under the guidance of a resourceful facilitator from the Local Gov’t Ministry, Commissioner Ms Sharifa Buzeki.”We have fully grasped the vital knowledge given to us today. So, we are now ready to deliver the service as expected of us,” Sheikh Byekwaso remarked. Sheikh Byekwaso assured the public that their committee hasn’t contravened any article of the UMSC Constitution as alleged by a section within the Muslim community.
He disclosed this shortly after three committee members including Hon. Kyalisiima Ramadhan, Hon. Oula Asuman Waseme and Hon. Aisha Bint Abdu were officially sworn in by Hon Were Abubakar Wandangho the UMSC Electoral Commission Chairperson, bringing the number of the committee members to nine.
He explained that “according to the UMSC Constitution the committee is empowered to co-opt three other members to join the five appointed members as long as the number doesn’t exceed nine.”
In his brief remarks to the participants, His Eminence Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubaje, the Mufti of Uganda reiterated his earlier speech he delivered to the committee when they first converged, saying their appointment is another milestone in the history of UMSC.”We are certain that the new managerial systems are taking shape in the awake of the recent amendments in the UMSC constitution and a lot is expected more especially in the quality of work from the recruited staff,” Sheikh Mubaje emphasized.
He further observed that the committee is also expected to enforce discipline appropriately among the employees and urged the members to safeguard themselves against all temptations more likely to come their way as they execute their noble duties. He noted that among the committee members are Sheikhs who will be offering guidance blended on divine injunctions from the Holy Quran and teachings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH in regard to the their tasks.
In attendance was Hon. Yaziidi Katureebe, the UMSC Administrative Secretary incharge of Human Resource.

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