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High Powered UMSC Delegation Visits IsDB Kampala Regional Offices.

Hon. Counsel Haj Muhammad Ali Aluma, the UMSC Secretary General led a high powered delegation Thursday to Islamic Development Bank-IsDB regional hub.
The delegation comprised members of the UMSC Executives including Dr. Asadu Sentongo/ Head of UMSC Projects Technical team, Haj Abbas Sekyanzi Muluubya, Dr.Ismail Gainamungu, Imam Shafi Kagiko and Hajjat Sofia Safinah Kenyangi, National Chairperson Muslim Women Council. Both are members of the UMSC General Assembly, UMSC heads of department, Dr. Sheikh Ziyad Swaleh Lubanga, Director of Sharia, Sheikh Bakhit Juma Cucu, Education Secretary and Ms Asma Kanagwa, a member, UMSC Projects Technical team. The visit was a follow by the IsDB delegation to the UMSC Headquarters led by Dr. Umar Iddrisu, the IsDB Regional Hub Manager where they met His Eminence, the Mufti Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubaje. During the meeting at the IsDB, Dr. Iddrisu accompanied by his Country Operations Manager, Mr. Mustapha Corr, and Mr.Ahmed Warfa, the Team leader incharge economic infrastructure, highlighted the historical background and recent changes in the Organization of Islamic Conference- OIC the Mother body of IsDB. He briefed and reiterated to his guests about its mandate, operations and available opportunities that can be exploited by entities such as UMSC and viable resource mobilization technics.
Dr. Sentongo, presented a well researched Concept paper detailing the UMSC structure, mandate, justification of the proposed development ideas and the expected outputs after implementation. While, Hon. Aluma emphasized the urgent need for technical support towards the UMSC based, Majlis SACCO. The two sides exchanged a wide range of ideas in areas of development and resolved to hold more future engagements.

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