Luweero Muslim Leaders Embrace Revenue Enhancement Program.

Muslim leaders in Luwero have rallied behind their Kadhi Sheikh Ramadhan Mulindwa pledging to implement the Revenue Enhancement Program rolled out by the UMSC Finance and Planning department. The decision was reached in their weekly district management committee meeting attended by a delegation from the UMSC led by Mr. Sinan Abdu Nsenye, the Finance and Planning Secretary. Also present was Mr. Muhairwe Sadiq, the East Buganda Regional Secretary among others. Mr Nsenye explained to the attentive participants the main objectives of the program is to maximize the available resources within the area to expand the revenue base to spur development at different levels of the UMSC structure. “Just like a human being, UMSC needs blood to become viable and progressive, which can be achieved by enhancing its own resources for a stable income,” Mr Nsenye emphasized.
“Muslim leaders need to mobilize the faithful to pay the annual subscription fees, sadaq- voluntary offerings however small, alongside other donations, fees accrued from rentals, Halaal activities (slaughtering of permissable animals and birds for human consumption), rentals, and other investments,” he added.
He explained that if well managed and secured in the bank can form a strong revenue base for the council. However, Mr. Nsenye noted that this can only be achieved when leaders exhibit high levels of transparency, implement good financial management practices such as keeping books of accounts, conducting regularly meetings with well documented minutes, establish and keep a detailed inventory covering all Community assets such as mosques, schools and land.
Mr. Nsenye thanked Sheikh Mulindwa and his team for exhibiting high level of organization in executing their administrative roles as each department head managed to present a detailed a report of their activities. On their side, Sheikh Mulindwa recounted the appalling state of affairs by the time he assumed the position of the Kadhi.
“Despite our merger income mainly from Halaal we are proud that Muslim faithful now are impacted by our planned activities. For instance, we managed to mobilize and purchase two vehicles for two county sheikhs” Sheikh Mulindwa disclosed. He thanked the UMSC National Management Committee headed by the Mufti for initiating the Revenue Enhancement Program, which he described as timely.