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UMSC Roots for Muslim Districts Revenue Enhancement

The UMSC Department of Finance and Planning Secretary, Mr. Sinan Abdu Nsenye, has launched the National program for Revenue Enhancement in Muslim Districts across the country. The program aims to provide Muslim District Leaders with effective principles of resource mobilization and fund management for transformative projects. The program was initiated in Mukono Muslim District on August 15th, 2023.

Mr. Nsenye, leading the UMSC Finance department team, engaged in a full-day session with the Mukono Muslim District management team. This team was led by Sheikh Abbas Zubair Ssenkuba, the Kadhi, along with other officers including his deputy, Sheikh Muhammad Abdnoor Kasolo, Sheikh Muslim Ramadhan Tambula, District Secretary Mr. Kiwuwa Khamis, in charge of finance & planning, Kulumba Musa for Halal (permissible animal and bird slaughter), Counsel Miiro Sudi for Awqaf (endowment), among others. Also present were Sheikh Mustafa Khamis Lule, the Regional Assistant to the Mufti (RA) for East Buganda region to which Mukono belongs, and Mr. Muhairwe Sadiq, the Regional Secretary.

Mr. Nsenye emphasized to the Mukono Muslim leaders that the key to tangible development in the district lies in effective fund management, as outlined in the UMSC Financial Policy. This policy underscores accountability and proper documentation as funds are collected and securely banked. “You need proper books of account, an inventory of registered properties, and well-defined sources of income,” advised Mr. Nsenye.

In his opening remarks, Sheikh Mustafa Lule highlighted Mukono as one of the leading Muslim Districts in terms of Muslim population, mosques, schools, and markets. He stressed the need to harness and direct the available funds toward development.

Mukono Muslim leaders acknowledged the prolonged leadership disputes that led to the removal of the former Kadhi as a factor that hindered effective funds mobilization. They mentioned the presence of individuals within the Muslim community who perpetuate discord for their personal gains. This, they said, is a major reason for the failure to remit funds to the Headquarters as required by the financial policy.

In conclusion, the leaders were advised to separate administrative matters, especially those related to finances, and adhere to the UMSC Constitution. They were encouraged to consult and avoid causing confusion among the faithful.

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