H.E the Mufti hails Sheikh Imran Abdunoor Ssali for compiling Friday sermons Book

His Eminence Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubaje, the Mufti of Uganda has hailed Sheikh Imran Abdunoor Ssali, the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council-UMSC Religious Affairs Secretary and one of the Imams at National Mosque for coming up with a unique initiative to compile the sermons since his appointment in 2014.
The Mufti expressed his appreciation while presiding over the grand launch of Sheikh Ssali’s book in the UMSC Conference Hall shortly after Friday prayers on July 21, 2023.
The launch was attended by several dignitories including His Eminence Sheikh Muhammad Ali Waiswa, the 2nd Deputy Mufti, Hon. Prof. Dr Muhammadi Lubega, the UMSC National Chairperson, Sheikh Abdu Obeid Kamulegeya, the Chairperson of Shura Committee, Hon. Muhammad Ali Aluma, the UMSC Secretary General, UMSC Executives, Hon. Members of the General Assembly, National Management Committee Members, Regional Assistants to the Mufti, District Kadhis, prominent Sheikhs, Imams and School heads, among many others.
The Mufti opened his remarks with verses from the Glorious Quranic in chapter 96: 1-6, (Read in the name of your Lord and Cherisher, who created, created man, out of a mere congealed blood; proclaim your Lord is most bountiful. He who taught the use of pen. Taught man that which he knew not’. He noted that there is a common saying that when you want to hide knowledge from Africans “reduced it in writing”, which depicts the poor reading culture among Africans. Sheikh Mubaje noted that he is surprised that some people stealing Qurans from mosques, which they often don’t read.
He advised his attentive listeners mostly other leaders to refocus themselves by emulating Sheikh Ssali who came up with knowledge that will benefit others for years to come in future, saying what is reduced into writing is often remembered while what is crammed is often forgotten.
He also thanked the Imams at the National Mosque for maintaining the sanctity of the Pulpit and keeping away from irresponsible and reckless statements that inculcate hate and sow discord among the faithful. “We have told our Imams never to use the pulpits to deliver emotional sermons that have the potential of inciting hate or violence. I am glad that our Imams have maintained this principal,” he said. He in a special way thanked Sheikh Ssali for being industrious and exemplary. “Sheikh Ssali is one of the students who got a scholarship for further studies through UMSC. After completing his studies, he returned and introduced himself to us and took on responsibility unlike many children who pass here and never return. You only see some of them on social media issuing fatwas from remote mosques in the villages or even attacking the very institution that supported their education,” Sheikh Mubaje said.
In a recorded message, Sheikh Ssali took his guests through his journey right from his appointment as Imam at the National Mosque and how he conceived the idea to compile his sermons in a book.
“My intention originally was only limited to delivering well researched and documented sermons, which I often did in small note books. However, during the 2019 lockdown I got an idea to compile the sermons in one book using the 15 note books I had filled up,” he said. “Many people including my colleagues had repeatedly asked me to at least compile a book of the sermons for future use so I decided to use the lockdown for that purpose,” he added.
He explained that compiling the sermons wasn’t an easy task, which he took on with grace and thanked several individuals including his family, his elder Brother Sheikh Swalleh Kiggundu Munabugerere and Dr, Ziyad Lubanga, Sheikh Uthuman Kibuuka and Umar Weswala among other for the support rendered to him during the daunting task. His counterpart, Sheikh Ali Juma Shiwuyu, the Secretary incharge of Haj and UMRA department at UMSC expressed their gratitude to the Mufti for nurturing and offering them the rare opportunity to preach the words of Almighty Allah and lead the faithful at the national mosque at a young age.
At the end of the launch, the Mufti raised more than Shillings 5 million in the sale of several copies of book, the which is going for Shillings 30, 000. The director of Gangu Muslim School and UMSC paid Shillings 1million each for a copy of the book.