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Mufti arrives for International Conference in Morocco.

His Eminence Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubaje, the Mufti of Uganda has arrived safely in the Kingdom of Morocco, where he is expected to attend a three day International Symposium beginning on Saturday July 8th-  up to Monday 10th 2023. The conference is organized in Marrakesh City by the Mohammed V1 Foundation of African Oulema-Islamic Scholars.

The Mufti will attend the conference in his capacity as the interim Chairperson of the African Forum for Muslim Councils. He is accompanied by Dr. Ebrahim Ssali, the Forum’s Executive Secretary and the newly appointed Honorary Consul of Morocco to Uganda and Dr. Sheikh Ziyad Swaleh Lubanga, the UMSC Director of Sharia.

His Majesty King Mohammed V1, the Commander of the faithful will officially open the conference, which aims at uniting top elite Muslim Leaders in Africa in order to preserve Islam against extremists who are bound to spread confusion based on distortions of the Sublime Holy Islamic texts in the Glorious Quran and divine teachings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Several Concept papers are to be presented including the Issuance of Fatwahs- legal Pronouncements based on Islamic religious text using a scientific approach concerning emerging issues in the contemporary world, highlighting the status of Fatwahs- in Islamic sciences, emphasizing the importance of Fatwahs in African societies, provide guidance on how to protect sharia- related Fatwahs from extremist ideologies, and empowering the Muftis in counteracting extremists and fanatical ideologies.

The participants are drawn from 50 African Countries, 14 European countries and one South American Muslim Leader.

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