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UMSC Dispels Rumors about Haj Pilgrims

The Uganda Muslim Supreme Council-UMSC Haj department has dispelled rumors that most of the pilgrims who failed to travel for the Haj rituals registered through the Council. About 150 pilgrims failed to travel after failing to secure Visas on time.  Addressing journalists at the UMSC headquarters, Miss. Nuriat Musoke, the Haj Administrative Secretary noted that none of the pilgrims who registered through UMSC with the exception of an 8-year-Old boy failed to make it.

“UMSC is well known for its utmost care for the pilgrims in all aspects of Haj including such as accommodation, feeding and internal travel at reasonable prices. So apart from the 8year old who was denied a visa the rest of the pilgrims are in Makkah and performing their rituals,” She said.

She explained that those linking the failed pilgrims to UMSC, are malicious. Sheikh Ali Shiuyo, the Secretary for Haj who led the UMSC delegation said that all Ugandan Pilgrims are in good health and high spirits, noting that they are anxiously waiting to reach peak of the Haj rituals, which is standing in the plains of Mt. Arafat in the outskirts of the Holy City of Makkah on June, 27th 2023.

The  pilgrims especially male are donning their white snow ceremonial robes, which symbolizes unity, equality, humility are often heard chanting “Labbaik Allahuma Labbiak” loosely translated as “Oh Allah, here i am at your service I have answered your divine call.”

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