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Mufti sends ten Muslims on Special Haj- Pilgrimage, thanks to Saudi Arabia Cooperation

His Eminence Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubaje, the Mufti of Uganda had seen off ten Ugandan Muslims who were chosen for a special Haj-pilgrimage offered by His Majesty the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques in Makkah and Madinah, King Salman ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saudi. The beneficiaries include Hon. Muhammad Ali Aluma, the UMSC Secretary General and leader of Pilgrims, Hon. Muzamir Abon, the UMSC National Deputy Chairperson, Sheikh Mustafa Gayira, Sheikh Saed Omar Maulana Sekanjjako, Hajjat Shamim Namirembe, Mzee Mukungu Issah, Hajjat Nakisege Habiba, Haj Burhan Waboka, Hajjat Namataka Zainab Ramadhan, and Hajjat Nakisege Habiba.

They are the first beneficiaries of a recent Cooperation Agreement signed between the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) and the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. During the event, Mufti Mubaje advised the pilgrims to devote themselves wholeheartedly and express gratitude to Almighty Allah for the special favor bestowed upon them as guests of the Saudi Monarch.

He urged them to make the most of this rare opportunity to worship and offer prayers for their families, the well-being of their country, and the safety of the entire world. Other dignitaries, including His Eminence Sheikh Muhammad Ali Waiswa, the 2nd Deputy Mufti, Dr. Sheikh Ziyad Swaleh Lubanga, the Director of Sharia, his deputy Sheikh Salim Bbosa, Sheikhat Radhiyya Namakula Secretary for Women and Children’s affairs, shared words of wisdom and expressed their gratitude to the Mufti, His Majesty King Salman for the generous offer. Members of the National Management Committee were also present at the ceremony.

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